Frank Joseph Prasch
He was born Nov. 23, 1858, in Burlington, son of Jacob and Catherine (Kailing) Prasch, natives of Orb, Germany.
Martin G. Prasch
He was born in Burlington, Racine Co., Wis., Nov. 11, 1854.
Frank Joseph Prasch attended the parochial and public schools, and in 1870 began clerking for Henry J. Rittmann, who carried on a
general store near the Catholic church. He later became connected with J. S. Crane, the general merchant, and then clerked in the drug
store of Dr. J. H. Cooper, and afterward for Charley Wood. His brother Martin G. Prasch bought out Mr. Wood, and our subject worked for
his brother until 1881, at which time he purchased an interest in the business. Frank J. Prasch also took a course in pharmacy in the
Illinois College of Pharmacy. The brothers were associated in the drug business for twenty-eight years, taking the firm name of Prasch
Brothers, which is still retained by Mr. Prasch, who continues the business with his brother's widow.
On Oct. 25, 1882, Frank Joseph Prasch and Miss Helen Odenbrett were united in marriage. She is a daughter of Johannes and
Elizabeth (Biegel) Odenbrett, the former a native of Koelin, Germany, and the latter of Baden, Germany. The parents of Mrs. Prasch had
nine children: Philip: Lizzie, the widow of Michael Stolz, of Milwaukee; Theresa, the wife of Henry Stolz, of Edgewater, 111.; Maggie, the
wife of Charles Roth, of Milwaukee; Anna, the wife of Peter Rummel, of Milwaukee; Jacob, of Milwaukee; Henry, of Chicago: William, of
White. S. Dak.; and Helen, the wife of our subject.
Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Prasch, as follows : Armella Theresa. Cecelia Victoria, Roman Martin, Roman
Jacob, Francis Xaphier Michael, Roman Francis. Helen, Leo and Hildegard. Roman Martin, Roman Jacob and Roman Francis died in
infancy. Miss Cecelia Victoria is a violin teacher, and took lessons at the Bush Temple of Music-in Chicago ; she graduated from St.
Catherine's Academy at Racine, and also took a business course there, as did his sister, Armella Theresa. Mr. and Mrs. Prasch are
members of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Burlington, of which Mr. Prasch was organist for a number of years. He is the
leader of two choirs, the adults' and the children's. He was director of C. A. Brownson's Cornet Band for eight years, and later organized
the Burlington Cornet Band, of which he was director for two years. Mr. Prasch belongs to the Sacred Heart Society, the St. Cecelia
Society, the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Teutonia Society and St. Eustachius Benevolent Society.

Prasch Bros. Pharmacy #2 Burlington Wis {small} W.T. & Co. S C3332Ha2-10
Prasch Bros. Drug Store #1
Burlington Wis. {large}