U-R-Das Luxury Makes-A perfect Complextion "A beautiful little aluminum folding writing pad." Measures 3 1/2 X 2.0 C45602
Woodard-Clarke-Company-Portland-Oregon Established 1865 Click on images to enlarge
Portland Woodard Clarke & Co. {mono woodlark } Portland {small} CO-OP F.G. CO. C1002S1-78
Portland Woodard Clarke & Co. Druggists Portland Or {small} W.T. & CO. A J U.S.A C1194S1-19
Portland Woodard Clarke & Co. {mono Woodlark} Portland {large} nothing C1042L2-10

Charles Henry Woodard born 1832 in New York.
He moved to Portland, Oregon in 1865, he first was employed as a salesman for the retail drug house of
Hodge, Calif & Company of Portland.
He then organized the firm of C.H. Woodard & Company and opened a retail drug store at the corner of Front
& Alder Streets, this establishment was destroyed by fire, he resumed trade at First & Alder, at which time
Mr. Quiver was admitted to a partnership.
In 1880 he was joined by Lewis G. Clarke, under the firm name of Woodard, Clarke & Company.
Woodard also extended his activities to the wholesale drug trade and became a member of the firm of
Reddington, Woodard & Company, and later with the firm of Snell, Heitshu & Woodard Company, for ten years
he was in the wholesale business, and during that period disposed of his holdings in the retail business.
He then opened a surgical instrument store, which he later sold. From 1899 untill his death in 1909 his time
was spent managing his investment interests.
He died March 12th, 1909
Charles Woodard came to Portland in 1865 Died: 1909
Entered the drug trade with Hodge-Calef Co. 1861-1876
Woodard & Quivey 1869-1870
Woodard, C.H. & Co. 1871-1880
Woodard Clarke & Co. 1881-
Redington, Woodard & Co. 1884
Snell & Heitshu & Woodard 1885-1896

Clear glass eye cup {Patrick Collection}
Cobalt Blue eye cup {Herring Collection}
Woodard Clarke & Co. Druggists Portland Ore. 4th. & Washington Sts. Portland Ore. {etched} {Herring Collection} {wp collection}
Portland {t65} Woodard Clarke and Co. Chemists Wood-Lark Bldg. Alder St. At West Park Portland Ore. {red acl} {T5} C4921S3-218 C1004S3-23
Portland Woodard Clarke & Co. Chemists Portland Ore. {red ACL} C1004E3-17
Tarif Act
W.T. & Co.
W.T. Co.
after 1901
W.T. & Co. U.S.A.
Letter only
before 1891
not W.T & Co.
Portland Woodard Clarke & Co. Druggists Portland Ore. {etched} {T3} C9941
Portland Woodard Clarke & Co. Druggists Portland Or {large} Nothing C9805-SC-425