Myers Drug Co RX Prescription
Specialists Phone JE 7-2182
Gothenburg Nebr {T9 green}
1940 Census
Name: Mervin F Myers
Respondent: Yes
Age: 44
Estimated birth year: abt 1896
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Nebraska
Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House:
Home in 1940: Falls City,
Richardson, Nebraska
Map of Home in 1940: View Map
Street: East 16th Street
House Number: 718
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935:
Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska
Residence in 1935: Same
Sheet Number: 1A
Number of Household in Order of
Visitation: 1
Father's Birthplace: Nebraska
Mother's Birthplace: Nebraska
Occupation: Pharmacist
Industry: Retail Drug Store
House Owned or Rented:
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if
Rented: 5000
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed:
College, 2nd year
Hours Worked Week Prior to
Census: 63
Class of Worker: Employer
Weeks Worked in 1939: 50
Income: 0
Income Other Sources: Yes
Native Language: English
Veteran: Yes
Military Service: World War
Social Security Number: No
Usual Occupation: Druggist
Usual Industry: Drug Store
Usual Class of Worker: Wage
or salary worker in private work
Neighbors: View others on
Household Members:
Name Age
Mervin F Myers 44
Luella Myers 43
James M Myers 17
Rawley Myers 15
Janice Betz 39
Ruth Cochrane 42