GRIFFITH H MAGHEE Although one of the younger business men of the city of Rawlins and the state of Wyoming Griffith H Maghee of the Ferris Maghee
Drug Co of Rawlins is easily in the front rank of the business forces of the state and his enterprise and breadth of view will keep him there however
rapidly those forces may advance or widen the sweep of their operations He is the son of a Wyoming pioneer of 1873 a native of Evansville Indiana born
on January 25 1872 and brought by his parents to reside in this new land when he was about a year old His parents Dr Thomas G and Mary E Williams
Maghee were natives respectively of Indiana and Kentucky The father grew to manhood in his native state and was educated in its public and other
schools At the beginning of the War between the Sections he enlisted in the Union army and his service lasted to the close of the contest He then
completed his medical studies and joined the I S regular army and was appointed a surgeon in the service In this capacity he was first stationed at
Omaha and in 1873 was transferred to Wyoming and stationed at Fort Stanbaugh Later he was at Fort Brown and then at Fort Washakie In 1878 he
resigned and locating at Green River he opened a drug store and a year later he removed his base of operations to Rawlins and engaged in the practice
of medicine in which he is still actively ocupied In 1884 his wife died leaving as her surviving children three sons Morgan M Griffith H Torrey B Morgan M
is the efffcient manager of the Rawlins electric light plant and was the captain of Troop K in Colonel Torrey s Rough Riders in the Spanish American war
Torrey B is a cadet at West Point Griffith H is the immediate subject of these paragraphs In 1885 the Doctor was married to his second wife Miss Evelyn
time as he passed at school and he is therefore thoroughly identified with the interests of the commonwealth and with the vitality and progress of her
commercial industrial and moral forces He was primarily educated in her public schools and in their more advanced courses of instruction prepared
himself for the University training which later he received at the State University of Nebraska located at Lincoln After leaving that institution he attended
the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and thereafter the Northwestern University at Chicago from the pharmaceutical department of which he was the
graduated with honors in 1897 He returned to Wyoming and at Rawlins started a drug business which in 1902 was merged in the present enterprise
conducted under the firm name of the Ferris Maghee Drug Co which is conducting a strictly first class establishment down to date in everv way being
well worthy of the great confidence and popularity which it enjoys in the community through which its benefits are spread The men at the head of the
enterprise are pharmacists in truth and in fact and their chief desire commerciallv is to make their place of business essentially a pharmacy and not
subordinate that feature to any side line not even any of those which are by custom allied with it Their store is one of the finest in equipment and
arrangement and their stock is one of the most complete in the Northwest where the large number of patrons may always be sure of finding the best of
every article of standard and staple drugs patent medicines toilet requisites perfumes rubber sundries and the other commodities belonging to the
business The genial and popular proprietors give their personal attention to the prescription department where they use only the freshest and purest
drugs and chemicals and also exercise the most discriminating intelligence and skill in all the operations of their accurate prescription compounding
Their devotion to their business their careful attention to its every detail and their unvarying integrity and courtesy of manner have won for them a well
deserved mercantile and professional success In 1902 Mr Maghee was appointed by the late Governor Richards a member of the state board of
pharmacy of which he has been made secretary and in this position it has been his constant effort to have the laws governing the practice of pharmacy
strictly enforced and he has won high commendation for his care and conscientiousness in the matter He is a prominent member of the order of Odd
Fellows in all of its branches and also belongs to the Woodmen of the World On February 6 1903 he and RL Newman of Rock Springs organized the
Wyoming Pharmaceutical Association and he was chosen secretary of the new organization At Lander in this state on June it 1900 Mr Maghee wedded
Miss Florence C Baldwin a native of Fremont county Wyo and a daughter of the late Major Noyes M Baldwin of Lander a sketch of whom appears
elsewhere in this work His wife is a sister of his stepmother Both of these ladies possess high accomplishments combined with the most pleasing
manners and presence

Ferris-Maghee Drug Co. Rawlins Wyo. {t2} {small} C94361-S7-46 OK Cracked