The Headache Cephaline Remedy {small}
PUCK weekly magazine, dated 2/25/1891. It
is a small ad and a little hard to see, but it
"HEADACHE! Cephaline is a pleasant,
harmless, vegetable specific in all cases.
Free by mail for one dollar. Address:
California Cephaline Company, Reno,
A listing for The California Cephaline Company also comes up in an online search in publications such as Appendix to Journals of
Senate and Assembly, Volume 1, by Nevada Legislative Assembly, under a listing of domestic corporations in the state of Nevada.
The Reno Evening Gazette, issue date 12/1/1890, has a call for investors for the California Cephaline Company. It says,
"ANOTHER GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Reno is the birth-place of one of the most successful and far-famed proprietary medicines that
the world has ever known, which has not only made it promoters famous, but rich as well. Another remedy of equal or superior
merits, and destined to attain proportionate success and fame, claims Reno for its home. To secure the speedy realization of this,
the confidence and co-operation of our citizens is all that is needed. The stock-books of the California Cephaline Company are now
open at Pinniger's drug store and contain the names of some of Nevada's most influential citizens and business men. Parties
wishing to subscribe for stock should do so at once by applying to the Secretary, or to Rev. J.W. Pendleton, President."
See the dose glass article here...!more-newsletters/c2ly