Arkansas, Paris
Compliments Of Eagle Drug Co.
Paris Arkansas {white etched} {HA}
New Era Druggist LIstings
PARIS, Logan Cty,
1906: Population 836
Hahn & Co., P.A.
Paris, Drug Co.
Richardson, J.A.
1911: Population 836
Eagle Drug Co.
Hahn & Co., P.A.
Paris, Drug Co.
1912: Population 1,497
Eagle Drug Co.
Hahn & Co., P.A.
Paris, Drug Co.
Richardson, J.A.
1916: Population 1,497
Eagle Drug Co.
Hahn, P.A.
Paris, Drug Co.
1928: Population 1,497
Cochran, W.t.
Eagle Drug Co.
Lee. L.J.
1930: Hayes Directory Pop. 1,497
Cocran & Brock
Eagle Drug Co.
Lee, L.J.
Thompson Bros.
Wahl Drug Co.
1946: Hayes Directory Pop. 3,235
Thompson Bros. {Eagle Drug & Palace Drug}
1911: Page 382 National Association of Retail
Druggists (U.S.) - 1911
V T Cochran of Paris has purchased JA
Richardson's interest in the Eagle Drug Co Dr JS
Shibley and VV T Cochrane are sole owners now Dr
Shibley having purchased Dr Bennett's interest
sometime ago